Quality Start Los Angeles Program

Empowered to soar. A new quality rating system for L.A. County’s pre-k education facilities

Create an identity for Los Angeles County’s new pre-kindergarten education rating system program.

Solution: Lift off. Powered by…
Under the right conditions a kite lifts, flies and eventually soars. The metaphor is three-fold. The program is powered by the Consortium partners, while it uplifts the partner schools, as they give the communities’ youngest students a boost in their early education and life.

Client: Quality Start Los Angeles & Consortium
(Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE), Los Angeles County – Office of Child Care (LAC-OCC), LAUP, Child Care Alliance of Los Angeles (CCALA), First 5 LA)

Role: Art Director & Designer for Skilset Communications

Project Scope: Identity System (logo & visual vocabulary), Stationery, Marketing Collateral & Microsite (www.qualitystartla.org)



Emily King